Great Awakening Tour City #16 Chattanooga, Tennessee | Pastor Will J Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #16 Chattanooga, Tennessee

Dear Rodney & Adonica, PRAISE THE LORD FOREVERMORE!! I was blessed to be a part of the Tennessee Great Awakening. As a bi-vocational pastor, I was not able to come out to witness every day. However, Tuesday was a breakthrough day for me. 18 souls were lead to Jesus through me and as I told you that Wednesday evening, I had only lead one person to Jesus in over 30 years of ministry. WELL, sowing & reaping…The last day of witnessing, (Saturday) I could only go out for one hour as our church in Ringgold, GA was reaching out to our neighborhood. We had a barbeque and about ten-twelve people showed up. My Neice brought her youngest son, Ryan, 11 years old, who came to Rhema Fellowship for the first time last Sunday, October 21st. During this week he became a Christian and wants to come to church every Sunday. Hallelujah! He was no where near the revival, but was affected none the less. This is just the tip of the iceberg and my faith is stretching WAY out there for hundreds to come into the kingdom in the coming months here in Ringgold. I am also invited to another pastors church in Alabama to pass along this witnessing script and I will keep you posted. God is moving so we must move as well. Love in Christ, Pastor Will

Pastor Will J
Ringgold Georgia United States

Great Awakening Tour City #16 Chattanooga, Tennessee | Jose S Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #16 Chattanooga, Tennessee

I thanks my Lord and Savior Jesuschrist for his mighty deliverance and outpouring of his overflowing love, power and justice. Since I started watching your programming, regular services and campmeetings many wonderful and spiritual blessings has occurred in my life. In my job I worship the Lord, and I pray for the children and adults. I’m a social worker and the Lord has revealed himself to me with abundant love and compassion. My tears are not more, my joy is exceeding.. and I’m moving towards the mountain top, the valleys and prairies because like Joshua; myselve and houshold will serve the Lord. I always pray for your ministry and health, and GOD has answered me. The only thing I want is.. to be inmerse in GOD’s will, love and calling for the ministry. The Lord has forgiven me, has renewed my life and ministry. Shalom.

Jose S
Miami Florida United States

Online RMI

Online RMI

Ongoing : The Lord showed us the Holy Spirit Highway from BC to the centre of Canada and South to Florida. He showed us a vision of Clusters of Grapes and Oil Dereks. In Obedience we have bought up houses in communities along that route. We are now planting a Victory Church in Brandon Manitoba which we believe will follow with a connection to RMI. This Vision is being fueled by the Holy Spirit when we caught the FIRE during your first online Broadcast where Rodney showed he had slippers without socks on. We will be joining you soon in person. Make sure your leadership gets this email.

Jeff and Linda T
Penticton British Columbia Canada

Webcast 10/28 11:00AM

Webcast 10/28 11:00AM

I sent a prayer request,yesterday 10/28/07 right before the 11:00AM service.I was watching the 9:00AM service,I was ready to go to church at 10:10AM when my husband came upstairs and told me my dad fell through the night and when I checked on him, his right wrist was slightly crooked and his little finger was swelled and crooked.I know it was broke, I work in a nursing home and I go with residents for doctor appointments.I have seen broken wrists before. I stayed home from church to look after my dad. I knew if I took him to the emergency room, they would splint it and he would have to go to the doctor today. I stepped out in faith and sent a request to the River. I had enough,my mom was having a heart cath 10/29 and now my dad broke his wrist. I decided I would send a prayer request and ask for believe that Jesus would touch mom and dad. My husband and I went with mom for the heart cath. When the nurse came out to take us back to see her before the procedure, she asked us where the other people were, she was told that there was 8 people in the waiting room for her.At this point I realized that 6 angels were with my husband and I and someone saw them, even though we did not.The nurse came out and said they could not find any blockages. Last week ,the doctor told her she had 2 blockages and she was a candidate for a major heart attack. During your service yesterday, you prayed for blockages to be removed.Jesus did it,He removed them.Praise His wonderful name. They are keeping my mom overnight. She has kidney failure or I should say she did have kidney failure.When Jesus touches you, He makes you whole. When my husband and I came home from the hospital, I checked my dads wrist and it was straight and his little finger was straight, He could bend them as well.Jesus healed Him as well. Praise Him. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!

Barbara C
damascus Maryland United States

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida | Enid S Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida

This was her first time. A lady in the park never came to the park before. It was a devine appointment. A Spanish man in the soup kitchen, from Canada, received Christ. Then fifteen minutes later found his friend and brought his friend. He had to translate to lead his friend to the Lord.

Enid S
Miami Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida | Eva H Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida

At the high school I was sharing with people. A lady in a motorized scooter stoped by me. It was as if she was watching and wanting to accept the Lord. I shared the script her. She asked Jesus to come into her heart. She seemed so full of joy. She was really greatful that I had shared with her. That made me feel as if this is the most importabt thing, souls, which it is, of any way to spend our time.

Eva H
N/A Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida | Kathie F Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida

Being completely in his right mind, Lawerence said that no one ever told him that God loved him and had a wonderful plan for his life. He prayed salvation prayer. He thanked me several times before leaving. The nurse beside his bed also prayed the salvation prayer and said she actually felt something happen to her heart when she prayed. She thanked me and said sincerely that she was truly touched.

Kathie F
N/A Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida | Tata Testimony

Great Awakening Tour City #20 North Miami Beach, Florida

We got about fourhundred in a high school. When we prayed with teams every person prayed. Then everyone was pretty much gone and we prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide us so we went upstairs and found a flyer for an event after school. We made it there in two minutes before it was over and prayed with them. Forty-five people said the prayer out of fifty. A first prioriy club.

N/A Florida United States

Revival in Jacksonville

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