Rodney Howard Browne – Ebony H. Testimony

Bible school has already been life changing for me, and it’s only been 4 weeks. God has been moving in my life, changing me on the inside, and teaching me who he is. Attending bible school has been a dream, but due to my finances, it remained a dream. God moved and blessed me with a scholarship.

I attend the University of South Florida Full time as a senior, and I was going to use my financial aid to pay for my rent, food, etc while I attended bible school and USF. Previously, I was taking classes from USF online from my home in Orland. Two days before bible school began, I moved to Tampa. During the first week of bible school, I received the news from USF, that I would not be getting the financial Aid that was promised. They reduced everything. My first reaction was panic and worry. Horrible I know! I thought to myself, I have classes from sunup to sundown, first class starts at 9 everyday and I have classes that end at 6 p.m. some days and 10 p.m. other days. I needed a job, but one that would be willing to work around my schedule. I have exactly 15 hours free each week between classes and on Saturday. God provided a job that was flexible and willing to work with me.


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